Home - Contracts

Data as Reported: 2024-07

Note that costs assigned to an agency may be higher than they should be. Procurement Department reports give no information that can be used to divide costs for multi-agency contracts. So, if an agency is part of 10 contracts for $1,000,000 each, but the agency only uses half of the value of all the contracts, the total costs associated with the agency will be $10,000,000. Theoretically, the total costs should be $5,000,000 but we are given no way to see this.

Agencies Count Total Costs
Health & Hospital Systems 429 $999,506,289.73
Social Services Agency 150 $151,457,003.59
Countywide 22 $95,640,500.00
Information Services Dept 5 $16,539,148.00
Public Health 82 $51,617,300.31
Controller-Treasurer 5 $7,228,183.37
Sheriff Office 25 $25,025,642.72
Dept of Tax & Collections 6 $2,009,098.55
Airports Dept. 6 $7,712,300.00
Parks & Recreation Dept 87 $55,262,733.52
Roads Dept 98 $99,493,662.25
Facilities & Fleet 191 $1,107,947,030.50
Vector Control District 2 $228,435.00
Communications 12 $33,597,481.82
Assessor 3 $1,311,080.00
Dept of Planning & Development 11 $1,827,297.04
DA - Crime Laboratory 1 $1,158,125.00
District Attorney Office 27 $8,249,138.41
Fleet Management 3 $2,370,635.01
Employee Services Agency 25 $8,319,285.72
Valley Health Plan 38 $86,853,173.62
Medical Examiner - Coroner 1 $77,692.61
Technology Services & Solutions 77 $99,636,609.47
County Recorder 1 $356,834.96
Clerk of the Board 7 $1,667,972.06
Probation 99 $34,582,346.93
Dept of Correction 20 $10,660,061.69
Emergency Medical Services 13 $1,723,052.50
Public Defender Office 2 $3,099,786.00
Procurement Dept 9 $1,414,863.27
County Executive 155 $106,159,796.06
Behavioral Health Services 199 $309,503,959.51
Affordable Housing Office 90 $503,001,951.33
Dept of Revenue 1 $0.04
Risk Management 7 $17,144,272.99
County Library 10 $3,866,852.84
Sheriff Court/Custody Operations 1 $5,000,000.00