Data as Reported: 2024-10
Month | Contract ID | Vendor | Total Cost | Effective Expiry Date |
Unit(s) | Description |
2024-10 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $235,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2026-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-07 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-05 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-04 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-03 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-02 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2024-01 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2023-12 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
2023-11 |
cID: 4300022860
STUDEMEISTER, ALEX E | $75,000.00 | 2023-09-01 2024-08-31 |
Health & Hospital Systems - 921 | Professional Medical Services: Physicians, Pharmacists, and |
CA SoS Checked | 1632352508017 |