Data as Reported: 2024-10
Month | Contract ID | Vendor | Total Cost | Effective Expiry Date |
Unit(s) | Description |
2024-10 |
cID: 4300022271
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFO | $3,087,746.00 | 2023-01-01 2027-12-31 |
Agriculture & Envr Mgmt - 262 | Agricultural Equipment, Implements, and Accessories (See Cla |
2023-08 |
cID: 4300022271
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFO | $3,087,746.00 | 2023-06-06 2027-12-31 |
Agriculture & Envr Mgmt - 262 | Agricultural Equipment, Implements, and Accessories (See Cla |
2023-07 |
cID: 4300022271
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFO | $3,087,746.00 | 2023-06-06 2027-12-31 |
Agriculture & Envr Mgmt - 262 | Agricultural Equipment, Implements, and Accessories (See Cla |
2023-06 |
cID: 4300022271
REGENTS OF THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFO | $3,087,746.00 | 2023-06-06 2027-12-31 |
Agriculture & Envr Mgmt - 262 | Agricultural Equipment, Implements, and Accessories (See Cla |
CA SoS Checked | 1632357814039 |