
Filing ID: 2738858

PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=2738858&amendid=0

Table: cvr_campaign_disclosure
filing_id   2738858
amend_id   0
rec_type   CVR
form_type   F497
filer_id   962809
entity_cd   BMC
filer_naml   Sheet Metal, Air, Rail, Transportation Workers' International Union (S.M.A.R.T.) Local 105 PAC
filer_namf   None
filer_namt   None
filer_nams   None
report_num   000
rpt_date   2022-10-21 00:00:00
stmt_type   None
late_rptno   102122A
from_date   None
thru_date   None
elect_date   None
filer_city   Glendora
filer_st   CA
filer_zip4   91740
filer_phon   (909) 305-2800
filer_fax   None
file_email   None
mail_city   None
mail_st   None
mail_zip4   None
tres_naml   None
tres_namf   None
tres_namt   None
tres_nams   None
tres_city   None
tres_st   None
tres_zip4   None
tres_phon   None
tres_fax   None
tres_email   None
cmtte_type   None
control_yn   None
sponsor_yn   None
primfrm_yn   None
brdbase_yn   None
amendexp_1   None
amendexp_2   None
amendexp_3   None
rpt_att_cb   None
cmtte_id   None
reportname   None
rptfromdt   None
rptthrudt   None
emplbus_cb   None
bus_name   None
bus_city   None
bus_st   None
bus_zip4   None
bus_inter   None
busact_cb   None
busactvity   None
assoc_cb   None
assoc_int   None
other_cb   None
other_int   None
cand_naml   None
cand_namf   None
cand_namt   None
cand_nams   None
cand_city   None
cand_st   None
cand_zip4   None
cand_phon   None
cand_fax   None
cand_email   None
bal_name   None
bal_num   None
bal_juris   None
office_cd   None
offic_dscr   None
juris_cd   None
juris_dscr   None
dist_no   None
off_s_h_cd   None
sup_opp_cd   None
employer   None
occupation   None
selfemp_cb   None
bal_id   None
cand_id   None
Table: filer_filings
filer_id   1069562
filing_id   2738858
period_id   252
form_id   F497
filing_sequence   0
filing_date   2022-10-21 00:00:00
stmnt_type   10001
stmnt_status   11003
session_id   2021
user_id   CAFILER
special_audit   11003
fine_audit   11003
rpt_start   2022-10-21 00:00:00
rpt_end   2022-10-21 00:00:00
rpt_date   2022-10-21 00:00:00
filing_type   22001
Table: filings
filing_id   2738858
filing_type   22001
Table: hdr
filing_id   2738858
amend_id   0
rec_type   HDR
ef_type   CAL
state_cd   CA
cal_ver   2.01
soft_name   EVERYACTION (R)
soft_ver   7
hdrcomment   None
Table: received_filings
filer_id   1069562
filing_file_name   2738858_0.cal
received_date   2022-10-21 00:00:00
filing_directory   /cafiler/disclose/ca99/cal
filing_id   2738858
form_id   F497
receive_comment   Filing accepted
Table: s497
filing_id   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858   2738858
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10
rec_type   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497   S497
form_type   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2   F497P2
entity_cd   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM
enty_naml   Aitken for Mayor 2022   Andrew Nguyen for Midway City Sanitary District   Bacerra for City Council 2022   Charles for City Council 2022   Committee to Re-Elect Nelida Mendoza for City Council 2022   David Penaloza for City Council 2022   Ma'ae for Anaheim   Re-elect Barbara Dunsheath Trustee NOCCCD 2022   Sergio Contreras for Midway City Sanitary District 2022   Valerie Amezcua for Mayor 2022
enty_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
enty_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
enty_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
enty_city   Anaheim   Westminster   Santa Ana   Fullerton   Santa Ana   Santa Ana   Tustin   Cypress   Fullerton   Long Beach
enty_st   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA
enty_zip4   92817-7026   92683-5153   92704-7133   92831-1709   92704-3142   92707-0033   92780-1961   90630-3428   92835-4135   90802-8846
ctrib_emp   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_occ   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_self   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
elec_date   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00   2022-11-08 00:00:00
ctrib_date   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00   2022-10-20 00:00:00
date_thru   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
amount   2200   1000   1000   1000   1000   1000   2200   2900   1000   1000
cmte_id   1440366   1411205   1418052   1448501   1408187   1401897   1442319   1448746   1448454   1447710
cand_naml   Aitken   Nguyen   Bacerra   Charles   Mendoza   Penaloza   Ma'ae   Dunsheath   Contreras   Amezcua
cand_namf   Ashleigh   Andrew   Phil   Shana   Nelida   David   Gloria   Barbara   Sergio   Valerie
cand_namt   None   None   None   Dr.   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
office_cd   MAY   OTH   CCM   CCM   CCM   CCM   CCM   OTH   OTH   MAY
offic_dscr   None   Board Member   None   None   None   None   None   Trustee   Board Member   None
juris_cd   CIT   OTH   CIT   CIT   CIT   CIT   CIT   OTH   OTH   CIT
juris_dscr   City of Anaheim   Midway City Sanitary District   City of Santa Ana   City of Fullerton   City of Santa Ana   City of Santa Ana   City of Anaheim   North Orange County Community College Di   Midway City Sanitary District   City of Santa Ana
dist_no   None   None   4   3   2   6   2   1   None   None
off_s_h_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_name   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_num   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_juris   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_code   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_refno   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_id   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_id   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sup_off_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sup_opp_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None