Filing ID: 2681313
PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=2681313&amendid=0
Table: cvr2_registration
filing_id |
| 2681313 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
line_item |
| 1 |
rec_type |
| CVR2 |
form_type |
| F603 |
tran_id |
| 1 |
entity_cd |
| AGY |
entity_id |
| None |
enty_naml |
| State Legislature |
enty_namf |
| None |
enty_namt |
| None |
enty_nams |
| None |
Table: cvr_registration
filing_id |
| 2681313 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
rec_type |
| CVR |
form_type |
| F603 |
sender_id |
| 1448068 |
filer_id |
| 1448068 |
entity_cd |
| LEM |
filer_naml |
filer_namf |
| None |
filer_namt |
| None |
filer_nams |
| None |
report_num |
| 000 |
rpt_date |
| 2022-05-11 00:00:00 |
ls_beg_yr |
| 2021 |
ls_end_yr |
| 2022 |
qual_date |
| 2022-04-01 00:00:00 |
eff_date |
| None |
bus_city |
bus_st |
| TX |
bus_zip4 |
| 78705 |
bus_phon |
| 5126280146 |
bus_fax |
| None |
bus_email |
mail_city |
| None |
mail_st |
| None |
mail_zip4 |
| None |
mail_phon |
| None |
sig_date |
| 2022-05-11 00:00:00 |
sig_loc |
| None |
sig_naml |
| Buckley |
sig_namf |
| Oske |
sig_namt |
| None |
sig_nams |
| None |
prn_naml |
| Buckley |
prn_namf |
| Oske |
prn_namt |
| None |
prn_nams |
| None |
sig_title |
| Director of Administration and Finance |
stmt_firm |
| None |
ind_cb |
| None |
bus_cb |
| X |
trade_cb |
| None |
oth_cb |
| None |
a_b_name |
| None |
a_b_city |
| None |
a_b_st |
| None |
a_b_zip4 |
| None |
descrip_1 |
| None |
descrip_2 |
| Free Speech For People works to defend our democracy and our US Constitution through legal advocacy, public education, and grassroots organizing efforts. |
c_less50 |
| None |
c_more50 |
| None |
ind_class |
| OTH |
ind_descr |
| Nonprofit Organization |
bus_class |
| None |
bus_descr |
| None |
auth_name |
| None |
auth_city |
| None |
auth_st |
| None |
auth_zip4 |
| None |
lobby_int |
| AB1819 - Stop Foreign Influence in California Elections Act |
influen_yn |
| Y |
firm_name |
| None |
newcert_cb |
| None |
rencert_cb |
| None |
complet_dt |
| None |
lby_reg_cb |
| None |
lby_604_cb |
| None |
st_leg_yn |
| None |
st_agency |
| None |
lobby_cb |
| None |
l_firm_cb |
| None |
Table: filer_filings
filer_id |
| 1448068 |
filing_id |
| 2681313 |
period_id |
| 250 |
form_id |
| F603 |
filing_sequence |
| 0 |
filing_date |
| 2022-05-11 00:00:00 |
stmnt_type |
| 10001 |
stmnt_status |
| 11003 |
session_id |
| 2021 |
user_id |
special_audit |
| 11003 |
fine_audit |
| 11003 |
rpt_start |
| 2022-05-11 00:00:00 |
rpt_end |
| 2022-05-11 00:00:00 |
rpt_date |
| None |
filing_type |
| 22006 |
Table: filings
filing_id |
| 2681313 |
filing_type |
| 22001 |
Table: hdr
filing_id |
| 2681313 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
rec_type |
| HDR |
ef_type |
| CAL |
state_cd |
| CA |
cal_ver |
| 2.01 |
soft_name |
soft_ver |
| 1.00 |
hdrcomment |
| None |