
Filing ID: 2553110

PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=2553110&amendid=0

Table: cvr3_verification_info
filing_id   2553110
amend_id   0
line_item   1
rec_type   CVR3
form_type   F401
tran_id   VER_1.1
entity_cd   TRE
sig_date   2021-01-06 00:00:00
sig_loc   Elk Grove, CA
sig_naml   Vona L. Copp
sig_namf   None
sig_namt   None
sig_nams   None
Table: cvr_campaign_disclosure
filing_id   2553110
amend_id   0
rec_type   CVR
form_type   F401
filer_id   1430340
entity_cd   SMO
filer_naml   Voter Education Coalition
filer_namf   None
filer_namt   None
filer_nams   None
report_num   000
rpt_date   2021-01-06 00:00:00
stmt_type   None
late_rptno   None
from_date   2020-10-18 00:00:00
thru_date   2020-12-31 00:00:00
elect_date   None
filer_city   La Jolla
filer_st   CA
filer_zip4   92037
filer_phon   9166861815
filer_fax   None
file_email   None
mail_city   San Diego
mail_st   CA
mail_zip4   92137
tres_naml   Copp
tres_namf   Vona L.
tres_namt   None
tres_nams   None
tres_city   Elk Grove
tres_st   CA
tres_zip4   95624
tres_phon   9166861815
tres_fax   None
tres_email   None
cmtte_type   None
control_yn   None
sponsor_yn   None
primfrm_yn   None
brdbase_yn   None
amendexp_1   None
amendexp_2   None
amendexp_3   None
rpt_att_cb   None
cmtte_id   None
reportname   None
rptfromdt   None
rptthrudt   None
emplbus_cb   None
bus_name   None
bus_city   None
bus_st   None
bus_zip4   None
bus_inter   None
busact_cb   None
busactvity   None
assoc_cb   None
assoc_int   None
other_cb   None
other_int   None
cand_naml   None
cand_namf   None
cand_namt   None
cand_nams   None
cand_city   None
cand_st   None
cand_zip4   None
cand_phon   None
cand_fax   None
cand_email   None
bal_name   None
bal_num   None
bal_juris   None
office_cd   None
offic_dscr   None
juris_cd   None
juris_dscr   None
dist_no   None
off_s_h_cd   None
sup_opp_cd   None
employer   None
occupation   None
selfemp_cb   None
bal_id   None
cand_id   None
Table: filer_filings
filer_id   1430340
filing_id   2553110
period_id   244
form_id   F401
filing_sequence   0
filing_date   2021-02-01 00:00:00
stmnt_type   10001
stmnt_status   11001
session_id   2019
user_id   DCODY
special_audit   11003
fine_audit   11003
rpt_start   2020-10-18 00:00:00
rpt_end   2020-12-31 00:00:00
rpt_date   2021-01-06 00:00:00
filing_type   22001
Table: filings
filing_id   2553110
filing_type   22001
Table: hdr
filing_id   2553110
amend_id   0
rec_type   HDR
ef_type   CAL
state_cd   CA
cal_ver   2.01
soft_name   NETFILE
soft_ver   199287
hdrcomment   None
Table: rcpt
filing_id   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9
form_type   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A   F401A
tran_id   IDT22   IDT21   IDT19   IDT18   IDT20   IDT23   IDT26   IDT27   INC35
entity_cd   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM   COM
ctrib_naml   Taxpayers Advocates   Taxpayers Advocates   Taxpayers Advocates   Taxpayers Advocates   Taxpayers Advocates   Affordable Housing Coalition   Deputy Sheriffs' Association of San Diego County PAC   Public Safety Advocates PAC   Santee General Plan Committee 2020
ctrib_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_city   Sacramento   Sacramento   Sacramento   Sacramento   Sacramento   La Jolla   Encinitas   Encinitas   La Mesa
ctrib_st   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   None   CA   CA   CA
ctrib_zip4   95841   95841   95841   95841   95841   92037   92024   92024   91942
ctrib_emp   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_occ   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_self   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tran_type   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
rcpt_date   2020-10-21 00:00:00   2020-10-21 00:00:00   2020-10-21 00:00:00   2020-10-21 00:00:00   2020-10-21 00:00:00   2020-10-30 00:00:00   2020-10-31 00:00:00   2020-10-31 00:00:00   2020-12-31 00:00:00
date_thru   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
amount   1000   1000   1000   1000   1000   11000   50000   50000   8500
cum_ytd   1000   1000   1000   1000   1000   87000   87000   150600   30700
cum_oth   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
ctrib_dscr   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cmte_id   1410830   1410830   1410830   1410830   1410830   1430997   862122   1364679   None
tres_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_city   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_st   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_zip4   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_city   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_st   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_zip4   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_emp   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_occ   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_self   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_naml   None   Richard Barrera   Joe LaCava   Marni Von Wilpert   Noli Zosa   None   None   Steve Vaus   None
cand_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
office_cd   None   OTH   CCM   CCM   CCM   None   None   CSU   None
offic_dscr   None   Board member   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
juris_cd   None   OTH   OTH   OTH   OTH   None   None   OTH   None
juris_dscr   None   San Diego School Board   City of San Diego   City of San Diego   City of San Diego   None   None   San Diego Co.   None
dist_no   None   D   1   5   7   None   None   2   None
off_s_h_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_name   Prop 15: Increases funding for public schools, community colleges, and local government services by changing tax assessment of commercial and industrial property. Initiative Constitutional Amendment.   None   None   None   None   Restricts Parole for Non-Violent Offenders. Authorizes Felony Sentences for Certain Offenses Currently Treated only as Misdemeanors. Initiative Statue   Restricts Parole for Non-Violent Offenders. Authorizes Felony Sentences for Certain Offenses Currently Treated only as Misdemeanors. Initiative Statue   None   General Plan Protection Initiative
bal_num   15   None   None   None   None   20   20   None   N
bal_juris   Statewide   None   None   None   None   Statewide   Statewide   None   Santee (citywide)
sup_opp_cd   O   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   O
memo_code   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_refno   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bakref_tid   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
xref_schnm   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
xref_match   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
int_rate   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
intr_cmteid   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
Table: s401
filing_id   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14
rec_type   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401   S401
form_type   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401B   F401C   F401C   F401C   F401C   F401C
tran_id   EXP32   EXP33   EXP29   EXP23   EXP31   EXP28   EXP34   EXP30   EXP24   EXP32   EXP33   EXP29   EXP23   EXP31
agent_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_naml   Copp   Copp   Copp   Copp   Gonzalez   Political Strategies, Inc.   Political Strategies, Inc.   Tucunduva   Wewer & Lacy, LLP   Copp   Copp   Copp   Copp   Gonzalez
payee_namf   Vona L.   Vona L.   Vona L.   Vona L.   Barrett Landon   None   None   Mathias Barcellos   None   Vona L.   Vona L.   Vona L.   Vona L.   Barrett Landon
payee_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_city   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   San Diego   La Jolla   La Jolla   San Diego   Laguna Niguel   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   Elk Grove   San Diego
payee_st   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA
payee_zip4   95624   95624   95624   95624   92122   92037   92037   92109   92677   95624   95624   95624   95624   92122
amount   330   530   787   1010   10000   93700   14168   10000   2260   330   530   787   1010   10000
aggregate   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   2658   2658   2658   2658   10000
expn_dscr   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Consulting Services   Slate design, processing, production & sales   Consulting Services   Consulting Services   Legal Services   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Treasurer Services   Consulting Services
cand_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
office_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
offic_dscr   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
juris_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
juris_dscr   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
dist_no   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
off_s_h_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_name   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_num   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_juris   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sup_opp_cd   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_code   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_refno   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bakref_tid   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
Table: smry
filing_id   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110   2553110
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   1   2   3   1   2   3
rec_type   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY
form_type   F401   F401   401A   401A   401A   401B   401B   401B
amount_a   124500   132786   124500   0   124500   132786   0   132786
amount_b   329800   329800   None   None   None   None   None   None
amount_c   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
elec_dt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None