
Filing ID: 2541041

PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=2541041&amendid=3

Table: cvr2_registration
filing_id   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041
amend_id   0   0   0   0   2   2   2   2   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   3   1   1   1   1
line_item   1   2   3   4   1   2   3   4   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   1   2   3   4
rec_type   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2
form_type   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603   F603
tran_id   oW9HwzkbRy5P   bjF1aMEk6ySJ   zxUetLAJGiCQ   nVSLwuzErLYp   wAh4gwxnvfeI   bjF1aMEk6ySJ   zxUetLAJGiCQ   nVSLwuzErLYp   wAh4gwxnvfeI   ru81LLSaku49   oyFQfPwVTXLj   vfGfBNrelEQE   sl5hH3h5zTGq   PQbHwV2TDm9W   bjF1aMEk6ySJ   zxUetLAJGiCQ   nVSLwuzErLYp   oW9HwzkbRy5P   bjF1aMEk6ySJ   zxUetLAJGiCQ   nVSLwuzErLYp
entity_cd   EMP   AGY   AGY   AGY   EMP   AGY   AGY   AGY   EMP   EMP   EMP   EMP   EMP   EMP   AGY   AGY   AGY   EMP   AGY   AGY   AGY
entity_id   1426305   None   None   None   1447104   None   None   None   1447104   1449776   1450366   1450368   1450367   1450369   None   None   None   1426305   None   None   None
enty_naml   Glennon   California Public Employees' Retirement System   California State Teachers' Retirement System   Regents of the University of California   Jamieson   California Public Employees' Retirement System   California State Teachers' Retirement System   Regents of the University of California   Jamieson   Harrow   Weiss   Spivak   White   Martinez   California Public Employees' Retirement System   California State Teachers' Retirement System   Regents of the University of California   Glennon   California Public Employees' Retirement System   California State Teachers' Retirement System   Regents of the University of California
enty_namf   Michael   None   None   None   Patrick   None   None   None   Patrick   Lisa   David   Ben   Jonathan   Stephanie   None   None   None   Michael   None   None   None
enty_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
enty_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
Table: cvr_registration
filing_id   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041
amend_id   0   2   3   1
rec_type   CVR   CVR   CVR   CVR
form_type   F603   F603   F603   F603
sender_id   1338141   1338141   1338141   1338141
filer_id   1338141   1338141   1338141   1338141
entity_cd   LEM   LEM   LEM   LEM
filer_naml   Comvest Advisors, LLC   Comvest Advisors, LLC   Comvest Advisors, LLC   Comvest Advisors, LLC
filer_namf   None   None   None   None
filer_namt   None   None   None   None
filer_nams   None   None   None   None
report_num   000   002   003   001
rpt_date   2022-12-31 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   2022-07-15 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00
ls_beg_yr   2021   2021   2021   2021
ls_end_yr   2022   2022   2022   2022
qual_date   2019-02-11 00:00:00   2019-02-11 00:00:00   2019-02-11 00:00:00   2019-02-11 00:00:00
eff_date   None   None   None   None
bus_city   West Palm Beach   West Palm Beach   West Palm Beach   West Palm Beach
bus_st   FL   FL   FL   FL
bus_zip4   33401   33401   33401   33401
bus_phon   (212) 829-5868   (561) 727-2000   (561) 727-2000   (212) 829-5868
bus_fax   None   None   None   None
bus_email   compliance@olsonremc   [email protected]   [email protected]   [email protected]
mail_city   None   Sacramento   Sacramento   Sacramento
mail_st   None   CA   CA   CA
mail_zip4   None   95814   95814   95814
mail_phon   None   None   None   None
sig_date   2020-11-18 00:00:00   2022-04-18 00:00:00   2022-07-25 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00
sig_loc   West Palm Beach FL   West Palm Beach FL   West Palm Beach FL   West Palm Beach FL
sig_naml   Mesmer   Weiss   Weiss   Mesmer
sig_namf   Kevin   David   David   Kevin
sig_namt   None   None   None   None
sig_nams   None   None   None   None
prn_naml   Mesmer   Weiss   Weiss   Mesmer
prn_namf   Kevin   David   David   Kevin
prn_namt   None   None   None   None
prn_nams   None   None   None   None
sig_title   Vice President/Investor Relations   Managing Director, Investor Relations   Managing Director, Investor Relations   Vice President/Investor Relations
stmt_firm   None   None   None   None
ind_cb   None   None   None   None
bus_cb   X   X   X   X
trade_cb   None   None   None   None
oth_cb   None   None   None   None
a_b_name   None   None   None   None
a_b_city   None   None   None   None
a_b_st   None   None   None   None
a_b_zip4   None   None   None   None
descrip_1   Private Equity Investments   Private Equity Investments   Private Equity Investments   Private Equity Investments
descrip_2   None   None   None   None
c_less50   None   None   None   None
c_more50   None   None   None   None
ind_class   None   None   None   None
ind_descr   None   None   None   None
bus_class   OTH   OTH   OTH   OTH
bus_descr   Private Equity Funds   Private Equity Funds   Private Equity Funds   Private Equity Funds
auth_name   None   None   None   None
auth_city   None   None   None   None
auth_st   None   None   None   None
auth_zip4   None   None   None   None
lobby_int   Private equity investments   Private equity investments   Private equity investments   Private equity investments
influen_yn   N   N   N   N
firm_name   None   None   None   None
newcert_cb   None   None   None   None
rencert_cb   None   None   None   None
complet_dt   None   None   None   None
lby_reg_cb   None   None   None   None
lby_604_cb   None   None   None   None
st_leg_yn   None   None   None   None
st_agency   None   None   None   None
lobby_cb   None   None   None   None
l_firm_cb   None   None   None   None
Table: filer_filings
filer_id   1338141   1338141   1338141   1338141
filing_id   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041
period_id   252   250   247   251
form_id   F603   F603   F603   F603
filing_sequence   0   2   1   3
filing_date   2020-12-30 00:00:00   2022-04-18 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00   2022-07-25 00:00:00
stmnt_type   10001   10002   10002   10002
stmnt_status   11001   11001   11001   11001
session_id   2021   2021   2021   2021
special_audit   11003   11003   11003   11003
fine_audit   11003   11003   11003   11003
rpt_start   2022-12-31 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00   2022-07-15 00:00:00
rpt_end   2022-12-31 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00   2022-07-15 00:00:00
rpt_date   None   None   None   None
filing_type   22001   22001   22001   22001
Table: filings
filing_id   2541041
filing_type   22001
Table: hdr
filing_id   2541041   2541041   2541041   2541041
amend_id   0   1   2   3
rec_type   HDR   HDR   HDR   HDR
ef_type   CAL   CAL   CAL   CAL
state_cd   CA   CA   CA   CA
cal_ver   2.01   2.01   2.01   2.01
soft_ver   2020_3_422_DC9AA   2021_09_561_ACFA   2022_01_625_51AE   2022_01_654_7A79
hdrcomment   None   None   None   None
Table: lobby_amendments
filing_id   2541041   2541041   2541041
amend_id   3   2   1
rec_type   F605   F605   F605
form_type   F603   F603   F603
exec_date   2022-07-15 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00
from_date   2021-01-01 00:00:00   2021-01-01 00:00:00   2021-01-01 00:00:00
thru_date   2022-12-31 00:00:00   2022-12-31 00:00:00   2022-12-31 00:00:00
add_l_cb   X   X   None
add_l_eff   2022-04-13 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   None
a_l_naml   Harrow   Jamieson   None
a_l_namf   Lisa   Patrick   None
a_l_namt   None   None   None
a_l_nams   None   None   None
del_l_cb   None   X   None
del_l_eff   None   2022-03-31 00:00:00   None
d_l_naml   None   Glennon   None
d_l_namf   None   Michael   None
d_l_namt   None   None   None
d_l_nams   None   None   None
add_le_cb   None   None   None
add_le_eff   None   None   None
a_le_naml   None   None   None
a_le_namf   None   None   None
a_le_namt   None   None   None
a_le_nams   None   None   None
del_le_cb   None   None   None
del_le_eff   None   None   None
d_le_naml   None   None   None
d_le_namf   None   None   None
d_le_namt   None   None   None
d_le_nams   None   None   None
add_lf_cb   None   None   None
add_lf_eff   None   None   None
a_lf_name   None   None   None
del_lf_cb   None   None   None
del_lf_eff   None   None   None
d_lf_name   None   None   None
other_cb   X   X   X
other_eff   2022-07-15 00:00:00   2022-04-08 00:00:00   2021-09-22 00:00:00
other_desc   See Attachment AMENDMENT INFO   See Attachment AMENDMENT INFO   See Attachment AMENDMENT INFO
f606_yes   None   X   None
f606_no   None   None   None