
Filing ID: 2440443

PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=2440443&amendid=0

Table: cvr3_verification_info
filing_id   2440443   2440443
amend_id   0   0
line_item   1   2
rec_type   CVR3   CVR3
form_type   F461   F461
tran_id   Treas-CVR3.381   PrinOffr-CVR3.381
entity_cd   TRE   OFF
sig_date   2020-01-08 00:00:00   2020-01-08 00:00:00
sig_loc   Kerman,CA   Kerman,CA
sig_naml   Heisdorf   Heisdorf
sig_namf   Joe   Joe
sig_namt   None   None
sig_nams   None   None
Table: cvr_campaign_disclosure
filing_id   2440443
amend_id   0
rec_type   CVR
form_type   F461
filer_id   1367540
entity_cd   MDI
filer_naml   Mid Valley Disposal Inc. and affiliated entities including John Kalpakoff
filer_namf   None
filer_namt   None
filer_nams   None
report_num   000
rpt_date   2020-01-08 00:00:00
stmt_type   None
late_rptno   None
from_date   2019-07-01 00:00:00
thru_date   2019-12-31 00:00:00
elect_date   2020-06-02 00:00:00
filer_city   Fresno
filer_st   CA
filer_zip4   93706
filer_phon   None
filer_fax   None
file_email   None
mail_city   Fresno
mail_st   CA
mail_zip4   93706
tres_naml   Heisdorf
tres_namf   Joe
tres_namt   None
tres_nams   None
tres_city   Kerman
tres_st   CA
tres_zip4   93630
tres_phon   None
tres_fax   None
tres_email   None
cmtte_type   None
control_yn   None
sponsor_yn   None
primfrm_yn   None
brdbase_yn   None
amendexp_1   None
amendexp_2   None
amendexp_3   None
rpt_att_cb   None
cmtte_id   None
reportname   None
rptfromdt   None
rptthrudt   None
emplbus_cb   None
bus_name   None
bus_city   None
bus_st   None
bus_zip4   None
bus_inter   None
busact_cb   None
busactvity   None
assoc_cb   None
assoc_int   None
other_cb   X
other_int   None
cand_naml   None
cand_namf   None
cand_namt   None
cand_nams   None
cand_city   None
cand_st   None
cand_zip4   None
cand_phon   None
cand_fax   None
cand_email   None
bal_name   None
bal_num   None
bal_juris   None
office_cd   None
offic_dscr   None
juris_cd   None
juris_dscr   None
dist_no   None
off_s_h_cd   None
sup_opp_cd   None
employer   None
occupation   None
selfemp_cb   None
bal_id   None
cand_id   None
Table: expn
filing_id   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14
form_type   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5   F461P5
tran_id   F461P5-5383   F461P5-5351   F461P5-5349   F461P5-5386   F461P5-5389   F461P5-5361   F461P5-5392   F461P5-5395   F461P5-5397   F461P5-5413   F461P5-5415   F461P5-5405   F461P5-5407   F461P5-5419
entity_cd   COM   IND   IND   COM   COM   IND   COM   IND   IND   COM   COM   IND   IND   IND
payee_naml   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Friends of Frank Bigelow for Assembly 2020   Jerry Dyer For Mayor 2020   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Valadao for Congress   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Margaret Mims for Sheriff   Patterson for Assembly 2020   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Collins for Senator   Esmeralda Soria for Congress   Esmeralda Soria for Congress
payee_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
payee_city   Santa Ana   Elk Grove   Fresno   Santa Ana   Santa Ana   Hanford   Santa Ana   Fresno   Fresno   Santa Ana   Santa Ana   Bangor   Fresno   Fresno
payee_st   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   CA   ME   CA   CA
payee_zip4   92705   95624   93704   92705   92705   93230   92705   93721   93721   92705   92705   04402   93728   93728
expn_date   2019-07-01 00:00:00   2019-07-22 00:00:00   2019-07-22 00:00:00   2019-08-01 00:00:00   2019-09-01 00:00:00   2019-09-24 00:00:00   2019-10-01 00:00:00   2019-10-28 00:00:00   2019-10-28 00:00:00   2019-11-01 00:00:00   2019-12-01 00:00:00   2019-12-19 00:00:00   2019-12-19 00:00:00   2019-12-20 00:00:00
amount   500   1200   1500   500   500   5000   500   2500   4700   500   500   5600   1000   5000
cum_ytd   500   1200   1500   1000   1500   5000   2000   2500   4700   2500   3000   5600   1000   6000
cum_oth   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
expn_chkno   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
expn_code   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON   MON
expn_dscr   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   Campaign Contribution   Campaign Contribution   None   None   None   None   Campaign Contribution
agent_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
agent_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cmte_id   761465   1414525   1418924   761465   761465   C00499392   761465   1283613   1374569   761465   761465   C00314575   C00711911   C00711911
tres_naml   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_city   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_st   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
tres_zip4   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_naml   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Bigelow   Dyer   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Valadao   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Mims   Patterson   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   California Refuse Recycling Council South PAC   Collins   Soria   Soria
cand_namf   None   Frank   Jerry   None   None   David   None   Margaret   Jim   None   None   Susan   Esmeralda   Esmeralda
cand_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cand_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
office_cd   None   ASM   MAY   None   None   None   None   SHC   ASM   None   None   None   None   None
offic_dscr   None   California State Assembly   Mayor   None   None   None   None   Fresno County Sheriff   Assembly   None   None   None   None   None
juris_cd   None   ASM   CIT   None   None   OTH   None   CTY   ASM   None   None   OTH   OTH   OTH
juris_dscr   None   State of California   City of Fresno   None   None   None   None   Fresno County   State of California   None   None   None   None   None
dist_no   None   5   None   None   None   21   None   None   023   None   None   0   16   16
off_s_h_cd   None   S   S   None   None   S   None   S   S   None   None   S   S   S
bal_name   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_num   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bal_juris   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sup_opp_cd   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S   S
memo_code   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
memo_refno   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
bakref_tid   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
g_from_e_f   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
xref_schnm   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
xref_match   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
Table: filer_filings
filer_id   1367540
filing_id   2440443
period_id   239
form_id   F461
filing_sequence   0
filing_date   2020-01-30 00:00:00
stmnt_type   10001
stmnt_status   11001
session_id   2019
user_id   GTAYLOR
special_audit   11003
fine_audit   11001
rpt_start   2019-07-01 00:00:00
rpt_end   2019-12-31 00:00:00
rpt_date   2020-01-08 00:00:00
filing_type   22001
Table: filings
filing_id   2440443
filing_type   22001
Table: hdr
filing_id   2440443
amend_id   0
rec_type   HDR
ef_type   CAL
state_cd   CA
cal_ver   2.01
soft_name   ISP
soft_ver   1.0
hdrcomment   None
Table: smry
filing_id   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443   2440443
amend_id   0   0   0   0   0
line_item   1   2   3   4   5
rec_type   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY   SMRY
form_type   F461   F461   F461   F461   F461
amount_a   29500   0   29500   9900   39400
amount_b   None   None   None   None   None
amount_c   None   None   None   None   None
elec_dt   None   None   None   None   None