Filing ID: 1936330
PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=1936330&amendid=0
Table: cvr2_campaign_disclosure
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
| 0 |
line_item |
| 1 |
| 2 |
rec_type |
| CVR2 |
| CVR2 |
form_type |
| F465 |
| F465 |
tran_id |
| AGENCY_1 |
| AGENCY_2 |
entity_cd |
| POF |
| POF |
title |
| Secretary of State, Political Reform Division |
| Town of Loomis |
mail_city |
| Sacramento |
| Loomis |
mail_st |
| CA |
| CA |
mail_zip4 |
| 95814 |
| 95650 |
f460_part |
| None |
| None |
cmte_id |
| None |
| None |
enty_naml |
| None |
| None |
enty_namf |
| None |
| None |
enty_namt |
| None |
| None |
enty_nams |
| None |
| None |
enty_city |
| None |
| None |
enty_st |
| None |
| None |
enty_zip4 |
| None |
| None |
enty_phon |
| None |
| None |
enty_fax |
| None |
| None |
enty_email |
| None |
| None |
tres_naml |
| None |
| None |
tres_namf |
| None |
| None |
tres_namt |
| None |
| None |
tres_nams |
| None |
| None |
control_yn |
| None |
| None |
office_cd |
| None |
| None |
offic_dscr |
| None |
| None |
juris_cd |
| None |
| None |
juris_dscr |
| None |
| None |
dist_no |
| None |
| None |
off_s_h_cd |
| None |
| None |
bal_name |
| None |
| None |
bal_num |
| None |
| None |
bal_juris |
| None |
| None |
sup_opp_cd |
| None |
| None |
Table: cvr3_verification_info
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
line_item |
| 1 |
rec_type |
| CVR3 |
form_type |
| F465 |
tran_id |
| VER_1.1 |
entity_cd |
| TRE |
sig_date |
| 2015-01-30 00:00:00 |
sig_loc |
| None |
sig_naml |
| Thomas W. Hiltachk |
sig_namf |
| None |
sig_namt |
| None |
sig_nams |
| None |
Table: cvr_campaign_disclosure
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
rec_type |
| CVR |
form_type |
| F465 |
filer_id |
| 1363621 |
entity_cd |
| RCP |
filer_naml |
| Region Builders Political Action Committee |
filer_namf |
| None |
filer_namt |
| None |
filer_nams |
| None |
report_num |
| 000 |
rpt_date |
| 2015-02-02 00:00:00 |
stmt_type |
| None |
late_rptno |
| 224503-17 |
from_date |
| 2014-10-19 00:00:00 |
thru_date |
| 2014-12-31 00:00:00 |
elect_date |
| 2014-11-04 00:00:00 |
filer_city |
| Sacramento |
filer_st |
| CA |
filer_zip4 |
| 95811 |
filer_phon |
| (916) 397-4776 |
filer_fax |
| None |
file_email |
| None |
mail_city |
| Sacramento |
mail_st |
| CA |
mail_zip4 |
| 95814 |
tres_naml |
| Hiltachk |
tres_namf |
| Thomas W. |
tres_namt |
| None |
tres_nams |
| None |
tres_city |
| Sacramento |
tres_st |
| CA |
tres_zip4 |
| 95814 |
tres_phon |
| (916) 442-7757 |
tres_fax |
| None |
tres_email |
| None |
cmtte_type |
| G |
control_yn |
| N |
sponsor_yn |
| Y |
primfrm_yn |
| N |
brdbase_yn |
| N |
amendexp_1 |
| None |
amendexp_2 |
| None |
amendexp_3 |
| None |
rpt_att_cb |
| None |
cmtte_id |
| None |
reportname |
| None |
rptfromdt |
| None |
rptthrudt |
| None |
emplbus_cb |
| None |
bus_name |
| None |
bus_city |
| None |
bus_st |
| None |
bus_zip4 |
| None |
bus_inter |
| None |
busact_cb |
| None |
busactvity |
| None |
assoc_cb |
| None |
assoc_int |
| None |
other_cb |
| None |
other_int |
| None |
cand_naml |
| Sandy Calvert |
cand_namf |
| None |
cand_namt |
| None |
cand_nams |
| None |
cand_city |
| None |
cand_st |
| None |
cand_zip4 |
| None |
cand_phon |
| None |
cand_fax |
| None |
cand_email |
| None |
bal_name |
| None |
bal_num |
| None |
bal_juris |
| None |
office_cd |
| OTH |
offic_dscr |
| Town Council |
juris_cd |
| OTH |
juris_dscr |
| Loomis |
dist_no |
| None |
off_s_h_cd |
| None |
sup_opp_cd |
| O |
employer |
| None |
occupation |
| None |
selfemp_cb |
| None |
bal_id |
| None |
cand_id |
| None |
Table: expn
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
| 0 |
line_item |
| 1 |
| 2 |
rec_type |
| EXPN |
| EXPN |
form_type |
| F465P3 |
| F465P3 |
tran_id |
| EDT14 |
| EDT15.14 |
entity_cd |
| OTH |
| OTH |
payee_naml |
| Spaulding Printing, Inc. |
| Admail West |
payee_namf |
| None |
| None |
payee_namt |
| None |
| None |
payee_nams |
| None |
| None |
payee_city |
| Santa Rosa |
| Sacramento |
payee_st |
| CA |
| CA |
payee_zip4 |
| 95401 |
| 95811 |
expn_date |
| 2014-10-27 00:00:00 |
| 2014-10-21 00:00:00 |
amount |
| 4084 |
| 1600 |
cum_ytd |
| 4084 |
| None |
cum_oth |
| None |
| None |
expn_chkno |
| None |
| None |
expn_code |
| IND |
| None |
expn_dscr |
| LIT, POS |
| LIT, POS |
agent_naml |
| None |
| Spaulding Printing, Inc. |
agent_namf |
| None |
| None |
agent_namt |
| None |
| None |
agent_nams |
| None |
| None |
cmte_id |
| None |
| None |
tres_naml |
| None |
| None |
tres_namf |
| None |
| None |
tres_namt |
| None |
| None |
tres_nams |
| None |
| None |
tres_city |
| None |
| None |
tres_st |
| None |
| None |
tres_zip4 |
| None |
| None |
cand_naml |
| None |
| None |
cand_namf |
| None |
| None |
cand_namt |
| None |
| None |
cand_nams |
| None |
| None |
office_cd |
| None |
| None |
offic_dscr |
| None |
| None |
juris_cd |
| None |
| None |
juris_dscr |
| None |
| None |
dist_no |
| None |
| None |
off_s_h_cd |
| None |
| None |
bal_name |
| None |
| None |
bal_num |
| None |
| None |
bal_juris |
| None |
| None |
sup_opp_cd |
| None |
| None |
memo_code |
| None |
| X |
memo_refno |
| None |
| None |
bakref_tid |
| None |
| None |
g_from_e_f |
| None |
| None |
xref_schnm |
| None |
| None |
xref_match |
| None |
| None |
Table: filer_filings
filer_id |
| 1363621 |
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
period_id |
| 220 |
form_id |
| F465 |
filing_sequence |
| 0 |
filing_date |
| 2015-02-02 00:00:00 |
stmnt_type |
| 10001 |
stmnt_status |
| 11003 |
session_id |
| 2013 |
user_id |
special_audit |
| 11003 |
fine_audit |
| 11003 |
rpt_start |
| 2014-10-19 00:00:00 |
rpt_end |
| 2014-12-31 00:00:00 |
rpt_date |
| 2015-02-02 00:00:00 |
filing_type |
| 22001 |
Table: filings
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
filing_type |
| 22001 |
Table: hdr
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
rec_type |
| HDR |
ef_type |
| CAL |
state_cd |
| CA |
cal_ver |
| 2.01 |
soft_name |
soft_ver |
| 154 |
hdrcomment |
| None |
Table: smry
filing_id |
| 1936330 |
| 1936330 |
| 1936330 |
amend_id |
| 0 |
| 0 |
| 0 |
line_item |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
rec_type |
| SMRY |
| SMRY |
| SMRY |
form_type |
| F465 |
| F465 |
| F465 |
amount_a |
| 4084 |
| 0 |
| 4084 |
amount_b |
| None |
| None |
| None |
amount_c |
| None |
| None |
| None |
elec_dt |
| None |
| None |
| None |