
Filing ID: 1920785

PDF: https://cal-access.sos.ca.gov/PDFGen/pdfgen.prg?filingid=1920785&amendid=2

Table: cvr2_registration
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785
amend_id   1   0   2
line_item   1   1   1
rec_type   CVR2   CVR2   CVR2
form_type   F601   F601   F601
tran_id   1   1   1
entity_cd   None   None   None
entity_id   1340605   1340605   1340605
enty_naml   Brisson   Brisson   Brisson
enty_namf   Jean-Philippe   Jean-Philippe   Jean-Philippe
enty_namt   None   None   None
enty_nams   None   None   None
Table: cvr_registration
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785
amend_id   0   1   2
rec_type   CVR   CVR   CVR
form_type   F601   F601   F601
sender_id   F24883   F24883   F24883
filer_id   F24883   F24883   F24883
entity_cd   FRM   FRM   FRM
filer_namf   None   None   None
filer_namt   None   None   None
filer_nams   None   None   None
report_num   000   001   002
rpt_date   2014-12-24 00:00:00   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
ls_beg_yr   2015   2015   2015
ls_end_yr   2016   2016   2016
qual_date   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00
eff_date   None   None   None
bus_city   Los Angeles   Los Angeles   Los Angeles
bus_st   CA   CA   CA
bus_zip4   90071   90071   90071
bus_phon   2134851234   2134851234   2134851234
bus_fax   None   None   None
bus_email   None   None   None
mail_city   None   None   None
mail_st   None   None   None
mail_zip4   None   None   None
mail_phon   None   None   None
sig_date   2014-12-24 00:00:00   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
sig_loc   None   Los Angeles   Los Angeles, CA
sig_naml   Michell   Michell   Michell
sig_namf   Patrick   Patrick   Patrick
sig_namt   None   None   None
sig_nams   None   None   None
prn_naml   Michell   Michell   Michell
prn_namf   Patrick   Patrick   Patrick
prn_namt   None   None   None
prn_nams   None   None   None
sig_title   Lobbying Compliance Specialist   Lobbying Compliance Specialist   Lobying Compliance Analyst
stmt_firm   Latham & Watkins LLP   Latham & Watkins LLP   Latham & Watkins LLP
ind_cb   None   None   None
bus_cb   None   None   None
trade_cb   None   None   None
oth_cb   None   None   None
a_b_name   None   None   None
a_b_city   None   None   None
a_b_st   None   None   None
a_b_zip4   None   None   None
descrip_1   None   None   None
descrip_2   None   None   None
c_less50   None   None   None
c_more50   None   None   None
ind_class   None   None   None
ind_descr   None   None   None
bus_class   None   None   None
bus_descr   None   None   None
auth_name   None   None   None
auth_city   None   None   None
auth_st   None   None   None
auth_zip4   None   None   None
lobby_int   None   None   None
influen_yn   None   None   None
firm_name   None   None   None
newcert_cb   None   None   None
rencert_cb   None   None   None
complet_dt   None   None   None
lby_reg_cb   None   None   None
lby_604_cb   None   None   None
st_leg_yn   None   None   None
st_agency   None   None   None
lobby_cb   None   None   None
l_firm_cb   None   None   None
Table: filer_filings
filer_id   1147751   1147751   1147751
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785
period_id   223   220   225
form_id   F601   F601   F601
filing_sequence   1   0   2
filing_date   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2014-12-24 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
stmnt_type   10002   10001   10002
stmnt_status   11001   11001   11001
session_id   2015   2015   2015
special_audit   11003   11003   11003
fine_audit   11001   11003   11001
rpt_start   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2014-12-24 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
rpt_end   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2014-12-24 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
rpt_date   None   None   None
filing_type   22006   22006   22006
Table: filings
filing_id   1920785
filing_type   22001
Table: hdr
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785
amend_id   0   1   2
rec_type   HDR   HDR   HDR
ef_type   CAL   CAL   CAL
state_cd   CA   CA   CA
cal_ver   2.01   2.01   2.01
soft_ver   1.00   1.00   1.00
hdrcomment   None   None   None
Table: lemp
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785   1920785
amend_id   0   0   1   1   1   2   2   2   2
line_item   1   2   1   2   3   1   2   3   4
form_type   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A   F601P2A
client_id   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cli_naml   Chevron Corporation And Its Subsidiaries   World Oil Corp And Its Affiliates Coffee Brimhall, LLC And Demenno-Kerdoon   Chevron Corporation And Its Subsidiaries   World Oil Corp And Its Affiliates Coffee Brimhall, LLC And Demenno-Kerdoon   Finite Carbon Inc.   Chevron Corporation And Its Subsidiaries   World Oil Corp And Its Affiliates Coffee Brimhall, LLC And Demenno-Kerdoon   Finite Carbon Inc.   Potlatch Forest Holdings, Inc.
cli_namf   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cli_namt   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cli_nams   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
cli_city   San Ramon   South Gate   San Ramon   South Gate   Wayne   San Ramon   South Gate   Wayne   Spokane
cli_st   CA   CA   CA   CA   PA   CA   CA   PA   WA
cli_zip4   94583   90280-3896   94583   90280-3896   19087   94583   90280-3896   19087   99201
cli_phon   (925) 790-6454   (562) 928-0100   (925) 790-6454   (562) 928-0100   (484) 586-3092   (925) 790-6454   (562) 928-0100   (484) 586-3092   (509) 835-1518
eff_date   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-07-08 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-07-08 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00
con_period   On going.   On going.   On going.   On going.   Open Ended   On going.   On going.   Open Ended   Open Ended
agencylist   Governor's Office, Legislature, Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Brd, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, Brd of Equalization, Dep't of Toxic Substances, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Brd, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, Brd of Equalization, Dep't of Toxic Substances, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, Environmental Protection Agency, Air Resources Brd, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, Brd of Equalization, Dep't of Toxic Substances, all State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, State Agencies   Governor's Office, Legislature, State Agencies
descrip   Petroleum and petrochemical exploration, refining, manufacturing, SEE ATTACHMENT: IA713EE3   Petroleum related businesses including recycl - ing of used oil. SEE ATTACHMENT: I94997B8   Petroleum and petrochemical exploration, refining, manufacturing, SEE ATTACHMENT: IA713EE3   Petroleum related businesses including recycl - ing of used oil. SEE ATTACHMENT: I94997B8   Forest Carbon Offsets   Petroleum and petrochemical exploration, refining, manufacturing, SEE ATTACHMENT: IA713EE3   Petroleum related businesses including recycl - ing of used oil. SEE ATTACHMENT: I94997B8   Forest Carbon Offsets   Forest Carbon Offsets
subfirm_id   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sub_name   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sub_city   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sub_st   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sub_zip4   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
sub_phon   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None   None
Table: lobby_amendments
filing_id   1920785   1920785
amend_id   2   1
rec_type   F605   F605
form_type   F601   F601
exec_date   2016-02-12 00:00:00   2015-07-13 00:00:00
from_date   2015-01-01 00:00:00   2015-01-01 00:00:00
thru_date   2016-12-31 00:00:00   2016-12-31 00:00:00
add_l_cb   None   None
add_l_eff   None   None
a_l_naml   None   None
a_l_namf   None   None
a_l_namt   None   None
a_l_nams   None   None
del_l_cb   None   None
del_l_eff   None   None
d_l_naml   None   None
d_l_namf   None   None
d_l_namt   None   None
d_l_nams   None   None
add_le_cb   X   X
add_le_eff   2016-02-12 00:00:00   2015-07-08 00:00:00
a_le_naml   Potlatch Forest Holdings, Inc.   Finite Carbon Inc.
a_le_namf   None   None
a_le_namt   None   None
a_le_nams   None   None
del_le_cb   None   None
del_le_eff   None   None
d_le_naml   None   None
d_le_namf   None   None
d_le_namt   None   None
d_le_nams   None   None
add_lf_cb   None   None
add_lf_eff   None   None
a_lf_name   None   None
del_lf_cb   None   None
del_lf_eff   None   None
d_lf_name   None   None
other_cb   None   None
other_eff   None   None
other_desc   None   None
f606_yes   None   None
f606_no   None   None
Table: received_filings
filer_id   1147751   1147751   1147751
filing_file_name   1920785_1.cal   1920785_2.cal   1920785_0.cal
received_date   2015-07-13 00:00:00   2016-02-12 00:00:00   2014-12-24 00:00:00
filing_directory   /cafiler/disclose/ca99/cal   /cafiler/disclose/ca99/cal   /cafiler/disclose/ca99/cal
filing_id   1920785   1920785   1920785
form_id   F601   F601   F601
receive_comment   Filing accepted   Filing accepted   Filing accepted